About Us
EntreNous delivers programs, resources and services to foster resilient and self-sustaining young people.
Our Story
In January 2002, Victor Silva (Sara’s husband) decided to study for the GED high school equivalency exam. Dropping out of high school in his junior year, Victor knew he needed to earn money to help support his family. There was no time to pursue his education; there were bills to be paid. We didn’t realize that Victor registering for a GED prep class would change the trajectory for all of us. Victor registered at Harbor Community Adult School near our home in San Pedro, CA. He asked permission to meet his teacher even though class wasn’t starting until the next day. Victor walked into Room 6 and introduced himself to the teacher and her response was, “Hi, I’m Mrs. Hughes and I will be your teacher.” Thus began what is now a 19 year relationship and partnership based on respect, care and compassion.
While working for the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) we saw a pattern of struggle amongst our most vulnerable students. The conditions of poverty prevented them from finding purpose in traditional education. While they wanted to do well in school, they faced multiple psycho-social challenges that made it nearly impossible to prioritize education. Our aha moment was at a conference listening to a presentation about alternative education options for at-promise youth ages 16-24. It was at that moment we knew we needed to start a YouthBuild program.
YouthBuild seeks to build on the unique strength and resilience our young people possess. YouthBuild believes that with love and support, you can accomplish anything. It was with tremendous love and support from our networks that we were able to leave LAUSD and create EntreNous Youth Empowerment Services which operates Compton YouthBuild. EntreNous at its core means confidentially between you and me. We strive to build healthy, supportive relationships with everyone we interact with—our young people, team, stakeholders and communities. We believe all people are entitled to love, respect, and compassion.
Thank you to everyone who has been, and who will be, a part of our journey. We look forward to building opportunities and relationships with the young people and communities we serve.
In solidarity,
Kim Hughes & Sara Silva

Our Promise
We can make a difference in vulnerable and under resourced communities. YouthBuild is an effective program for our population of youth.
We have the knowledge, beliefs and values to support youth.
We have an implementable vision, skills, abilities, and knowledge to deliver holistic programs, resources and services to foster healthy communities.
Our Financials
Operating Budget

2019-20 Expenses

Our Young People

The purpose of Compton YouthBuild is to provide rigorous educational and occupational opportunities for opportunity youth ages 16+ who are invested in creating a sustainable future for themselves, their families and communities. As affiliates of YouthBuild USA, Compton YouthBuild are sponsored and operated by EntreNous Youth Empowerment Services Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Donations are welcomed and tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
Our Community
Young people, 16-29 years old in and around Compton, are often characterized by their struggles with unemployment, poverty and crime, rather than by their potential. We work to break the cycles of inequity and empower the marginalized voices of the communities we serve.
Our CommunityMeet Our Team
Youth development Is all-encompassing and mentorship plays a big role In overall life success. At EntreNous, no one stands alone. We put great care into building strong relationships between members, staff and the community at large. With our caring team, EntreNous and the programs we operate support young people in all aspects or life, improving outcomes for historically disadvantaged people.
Our TeamContact Us
Get in touch with EntreNous Youth Empowerment Services via email, text or call. Click here to get directions to our facility in Compton, CA.
Contact Us