By: Niko Salas February 2016
YouthBuild Charter staff, students and alumni from Compton YouthBuild, Field of Dreams Learning, and ACE’s RUTH YouthBuild attended the Emerging Leaders Retreat in Big Pine, CA this past weekend. They had an amazing weekend full of useful workshops, fun outings and community building activities. Before arriving at the retreat, they visited the Japanese internment camp in Manzanar on the anniversary of when President Roosevelt signed the executive order to have more than 110,000 men, women, and children to leave their homes and detained them in remote, military-style camps. Manzanar War Relocation Center was one of ten camps where Japanese American citizens and resident Japanese aliens were interned during World War II. Students were able to explore the visitation center, which includes 8000 square feet of exhibits, a bookstore, and theaters which show the site’s award winning 22-minute film, Remembering Manzanar every half hour. Read More