Organization offers insight into youth workforce development
Finding a Way Forward: Young People’s Experiences Navigating the World of Work! a report from America’s Promise Alliance offers insights about why youth workforce development matters, what helps or hinders young people’s journey along their career pathways and how communities can contribute to a ready, connected and supported workforce for the future.

Young people from 5 programs, including Compton YouthBuild participated in the research project and shared their stories on a national webinar. The qualitative study that shaped this report was structured around the YES Project’s Ready, Connected, Supported framework: a collectively-developed vision that pinpoints what young people need to succeed in the workplace.
Young people’s insights into readiness, connection, and support yielded 3 primary findings:
FINDING ONE: Young people have a holistic view of readiness that includes what they’ve learned, what they can do, knowing who they are, and adapting to change.
FINDING TWO: Young people believe connections and social capital are essential for navigating their career journeys—but often struggle to build them.
FINDING THREE: Young people’s work and life roles are not siloed from one another; they require a multi-dimensional, whole-person approach to support.